Young Scientist India

Young Scientist India


What is YSI?

  • YSI is a benchmark event of Space Kidz India. This is the 10th edition of YSI.
  • Young Scientist India is an innovation competition to promote science awareness among high school students, to increase their understanding of science, and to attract them into scientific careers and explore, as there is a BIG VACUUM in the enrolment of young scientists in our research centers.
  • The YSI Competition awards over half a million rupees in prizes to the best innovation for the budding innovator/entrepreneurs in five categories that holistically represent the solution types necessary to build an economy that works for all in the digital era.
  • The competition is split into 4 categories – App development, Electronics, Robotics, and Space Science, where Private and Government students register and send their project abstracts separately, online.

Competition categories


App Development


Space Science

Why Participate in YSI Challenge?

The YSI Competition awards over half a million rupees in prizes to the best innovation for the budding innovator/entrepreneurs in five categories that holistically represent the solution types necessary to build an economy that works for all in the digital era.
Eligibility: Class/Grade: 8th – 12th


Prize money upto 4 Lakhs will be awarded to Students


PHASE I:  December 1, 2023 to 25 July, 2024

Abstract Submissions
GRAND FINALE: August 22,23

Idea presentation in front of Judges/Jury panel at Chennai